Turkeyfoot Cowboy - Award Policy




Cowboy Action Season Award Policy


To qualify for any award, an individual must be member in good standing.

Category Placement Awards

We will give awards for each SASS Category in which we had one or more club members who shot at least 4 monthly matches in that category (not including the first March warm-up shoot). Those who qualify for placement will be ranked according to their best four finishes in their category.

Participants must shoot at least 4 matches in the same category to qualify for an award. If qualifying in more than one category, only the category with the best score will be awarded and the next in line winner of the other category will be awarded the winner slot. 

Note: Ties will be broken by comparing the ranking of the tied shooters where they attended the same match. Awards or Plaques will be awarded to the first three places in each category and certificates for other placements.

Dead Eye Awards

Cowboy Shooting isn't all about shooting fast. So, we want to honor those who have clean shoots during the season.

Therefore, we will present a clean shoot pin to each shooter who accomplishes the feat of shooting a clean match. 

It is not necessary to attend 4 or more matches to receive this award.

Note: Procedure penalties are counted as errors and disqualify the shooter from a clean shoot. However, If bonuses are written into a stage and the total bonus time is equal to or greater than the total misses on that stage, that stage will be considered clean and can be counted toward the Dead Eye Award.

Special Recognition

Special Recognition awards may be given for various reasons.